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Ring True

Jul, 27, 2015

Feel like you’re getting the ring around? Lucky for you, Wilson Diamonds is debunking five engaging myths to help you purchase the “no-pressure engagement ring.” Read — and ring — on. 

When it’s time to buy an engagement ring, some say, “The pressure is on!” There’s pressure to buy her the perfect ring … pressure to pop the question the right way … pressure to find something affordable … even pressure from the sales staff at your local jewelry store.

The pressure often comes from old-wives’ tales that keep men on edge. Let’s deal with some of those common engagement ring myths and debunk them — and take some of the pressure off as you shop for her ring.

1. Her engagement ring is NOT a financial investment.

A good investment is one that brings in a substantial return. However, there’s no guarantee her diamond will resell. And, diamonds do not go up in value over time. Plus, they tend to go out of style. So, just think of it as a gift of love, not a long-term investment.

2. Diamond size does NOT represent love size.

If you truly believe the size of the diamond is a direct representation of how much you love her, the ring is not the biggest issue you have. She should already know the extent of your love long before you think about popping the question.

3. You do NOT have to break the bank.

It’s been said that most marriages that break up within the first two years end because of financial issues. So, with that said, why would you start your new marriage with major debt because of her engagement ring?

Save for her ring, but don’t wipe out your entire savings. It makes more sense to buy something affordable now, and use your savings to buy a home. Then, upgrade her ring years down the line.

4. Popular does NOT always mean perfect.

Don’t be pressured into buying a specific engagement ring just because of its popularity. Instead, take the time to focus on the personality, style and taste of your soon-to-be bride. She may want an heirloom, something simple, maybe even an engagement ring with her birthstone.

Before you start your shopping experience, be sure to take a few notes. Find out what type of jewelry she likes — simple, gaudy, busy, exquisite, customized. Understand her style — vintage, traditional, fashionable, glamorous.

Ask her subtle questions. And don’t worry about spoiling the surprise! If your love is as strong as you think, she’s probably already expecting your proposal. Or, get her family and friends involved to ensure you buy her the engagement ring of her dreams.

5. Buying an engagement ring should NOT hurt.

Finding the right engagement ring doesn’t have to be painful. It should be a happy time, as long as you have an idea of what she wants and what you can afford. Throw the engagement ring myths out the door, and have fun shopping for her ring!

* All images courtesy Wilson Diamonds. 

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