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PROPOSAL: Mary + Bryan

May, 04, 2018

We asked for proposal stories — and beautiful Mary shared with us her amazing surprise NYC proposal to finance (now hubby) Bryan. We’ll let her take it from here …

October Third, Two Thousand and Seventeen is going be a date I will never forget.

October Third just happens to be my birthday.

And so, in response to such a momentous event happening on such a special day, my mom said to my new fiancé, “Good luck topping this birthday for the rest of her life!”

But let’s start from the beginning. It started off as a normal day in New York City. We made our way to the Rockefeller center for our appointment to see the Top of the Rock. It was absolutely amazing. There is nothing quite like standing on top of the world and looking over the concrete jungle, as they call it. Skyscapers galore, busy streets filled with taxis, tons of tourists, Central Park, people going about their business. We took tons of pictures, met new friends, and even spoke some German.

After that we made our way to the Manhattan LDS Temple. The last time I was in New York, this temple was under construction and everyone was talking about how incredible it was that a building right in the middle of the city can still maintain the reverence and peace found in a house of the Lord. We did a session in that small, but beautiful temple and enjoyed every second of it. It had been the perfect morning.

Our third stop of the day was Ellen’s Stardust Diner. This is where Broadway hopefuls work as waiters and sing to you throughout your entire dining experience. It was so unique and absolutely worth it! We were serenaded, entertained, and even had the opportunity to sing along.

We then quickly made our way to the middle of Central Park for our engagement photos. But wait! They aren’t engaged yet, you must be thinking …

Yes. This is true. And that’s what makes this story so out of the ordinary.

Of course there had been talk of marriage, but this was the first time Bryan had ever met my parents. And so he kept on saying he wanted to wait until after we got back from our trip. However, we had already decided on a date, and with the holidays coming up and it being a busy time of year for weddings, we knew we had to be on the ball about everything. So we may or may not have already had a temple and a photographer (Mary Jessica Photography). Now, said photographer had asked me about our engagement story and I said, “Well, we actually aren’t engaged yet, but he’s meeting my parents in New York next week and it will happen shortly after that, so I’ll let you know!” She replied, “No way! I’m going to be there at the same time as you guys!” And that’s when I started thinking it would be too good to pass up taking engagement pictures in NEW YORK CITY. So we planned it.

The night before we left, we went to Walmart and bought a fake $10 engagement ring, and our photographer said we wouldn’t do any closeups of it, but it would just be there for looks. So there we are wandering around central park pretending to be engaged while Mary, our photographer, is snapping away!

We then changed locations via subway to down by the brooklyn bridge. We had gone to this location the night before and knew it would be beautiful for pictures — not just because of the bridge, but because of the city skyline behind it. It was an absolutely gorgeous day and we were so excited.

Mary suggested at one point that we do a fake proposal. I didn’t think anything of it. Then Bryan pulled out a box and said, “My mom said i should bring one just in case.” I must be so naive. I literally didn’t think anything of it. So we put the fake ring in the box and there I was pretending to be surprised and fake a proposal. Then Bryan said, “Turn around like I’m going to surprise you.” So I did. While I was turned around, he switched the rings …


Bryan had contacted Mary and said that he was going to propose FOR REAL in the middle of the shoot because it was too good of an opportunity to pass up. He literally had a ring the whole time.

He had also called my dad without even meeting him yet and basically said, if all goes well, I’m planning on doing this during pictures.

And of course it was all unbeknownst to me because Bryan has thoroughly convinced me that it was not happening until after we got back.

So when I turned back around I didn’t even LOOK in the box because I thought I already knew what was in it.

And this is how the dialogue went:

ME: Why are we still doing this? I’m done pretending.

BRYAN: You don’t have to pretend anymore!!

ME: What are you talking about? (silly me still not getting it haha)

BRYAN: Look at the box!!

ME: Are you kidding me??!

Then we just kind of smiled and laughed for a while and then …

ME: don’t you have something to ask me?

Bryan: I don’t know if i need to.

(I think he assumed by my reaction what my answer was.)

BRYAN: Will you marry me?


And then hugging and kissing and laughing all followed while Mary and my parents were there capturing the whole thing!! No pretending there. It was just pure, raw emotion. ahh!

I just couldn’t even believe it! I was completely surprised but oh so happy. It was absolutely perfect. I didn’t think I would get emotional but it was such a surreal moment that my eyes did water up a bit! And then my legs were shaking and we had to take more pictures and I couldn’t even believe the whole thing!

Bryan picked out the ring from Forge Jewelry Works all himself and it is perfect. I know I keep using that word but there’s no other way to describe the whole thing. It was everything I thought it would be and more.

We finished up taking pictures actually being engaged and then headed back uptown to go see Anastasia on Broadway. 

I was just overwhelmed with all the emotions of theeeee best. day. ever.

P.S. There were so many little clues all along I should have picked up on but didn’t!

1. When my parents were calling the temple and needed information from him, he was ring shopping.

2. Everyone knew except me.

3. He kept the ring in his pocket the whole trip because he was so scared it might get stolen.

3a. One time I poked his pocket and asked him what that was and he said, my keys. And I didn’t even question it even though that didn’t make any sense!

4. He wrote me a birthday card and said, I can’t wait to celebrate so many more birthdays, assuming things work out. Even though he knew it was going to work out hours later!!

5. Kenzie texted me Happy Birthday and said, “I know it’s gonna be a great one!!”

6. There was this thing at the Yankees game where you could put your name above the locker room. We had to take a picture with robins on it “just in case.”

SO MANY THINGS THAT JUST ALL MADE SENSE AFTER!! He was so so sneaky. But I can’t even complain because would you really want it any other way?!

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