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Hearts + Flowers

Apr, 14, 2017

These engagements have some serious flower power. 

Thanks to the colorful, creative and charming photography, you can practically smell those pretty petals from your screen. And at the center of it all? These two beautiful lovebirds, Staci and TJ.

Read the high school sweethearts’ sweet meet-cute below, and then scroll through the perfect images above.

“He was a senior and I was a sophomore. It was Valentine’s Day, and he asked if I’d be his valentine. I said no, so naturally he asked for a kiss instead. Ha! I said no to that, too! But he didn’t give up. He gave me his number and asked me to text him sometime. Four months later, I finally caved! We were inseparable after our first date, and six months later he left for his LDS mission to Tacoma, Wash. I wrote him every week for two years, and once he came home, it was like he never left. We were engaged two months later. Come to find out, TJ had been struggling his senior year and asked God for something or someone to help him — and that evening I texted him. He likes to call me his angel.”



Photography Travis J Photography

Couple Staci + TJ

April 13, 2017
April 18, 2017

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